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Thursday, December 8, 2022


एक रेगिस्तान से ज़्यादा
समझती है सूखी नदी
प्यास की तड़प
नंगा कहाँ समझ सका है
नंगेपन को
वह औरत जानती है नंगे होने का मतलब
जिसके ब्लाउज़ का एक कोर उधड़ा हुआ है
भूखे पेट से ज़्यादा
आधे भरे पेट वाला व्यक्ति महसूस करता है भूख को
साथ रहने से ज़्यादा
बिछड़ने पर लोगों ने जाना है
प्रेम की गहराई को
किसी भी चीज़ का अभाव
उतना कष्टदायी नहीं रहा है
जितना उस चीज़ का
थोड़ा हासिल होने पर
उसका भी छीन लिया जाना

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

You don't need to be rich to give away something precious.

A kind word from a stranger. A hug from a close friend. Holding hands with someone you love. Your favourite dish cooked by no one but your mother. Harmless quarrel with your sibling. News forwards from your dad. A compliment from someone at work. You don't need to be rich to give away something precious.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 प्रेम कहानियां होती ही इसलिए है कि

वे याद रखी जाए अनंत काल तक

जैसे एक बालक रखता है

अपने बस्ते में कागज की नाव,

नदी किनारे से इकट्ठा की गई सीप,

कुछ कंचे पेंसिल की कतरन,

नोटबुक में रखा मोरपंख,

ताकि एक दिन वो जी सके

इन यादों के सहारे!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Sometimes the new will be welcomed

The real magic happens when you accept life. All of it.
The new, the old, the hard times and the good. We aren't
here to be happy every day, we are here to feel all the
emotions. We aren't here to stand still, we are here to
change, evolve and move. Sometimes the new will be
welcomed, other times it will be hard. But please know
that life is to be an adventure, an experience. Life is the
everyday mundane moments. Life is the journey. And
life is accepting that whatever happens, everything that
happens, is beautiful, all in its own way.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

victory is beyond fear

Feeling scared doesn't always mean it's going to be bad. Feeling scared can also be a sign that you're about to do something super brave. you know victory is beyond fear 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

पुरानी सड़कें

कभी कभी हम उस मोड़ पर मुड़ जाते हैं.
जो जाता तो वहीं है जहां हमें जाना होता है
मगर वो रास्ता जाना पहचाना नहीं होता.
उस नए रास्ते पर बढ़ते हुए याद आते हैं हमें ...
वो पुराने जाने पहचाने रास्ते के बीच के शहर ...
वो कुछ ठिकाने कुछ दुकानें कुछ छोटे बड़े दरख़्त ...
और कभी कभी इस नए रास्ते की नई रौनकें ...
हमें वो पुराना रास्ता याद ही नहीं आने देतीं...
जो भुल जाते हैं
जैसे स्कूल कि कच्चे सड़कें कालेज के रास्ते 
गांव कि पगडंडिया।  कभी गुज़र के देखना इन रास्तों से
ये आज भी पहचान जाती हैं और लगता है आवाज़ दे रही हैं। आज इन रास्तों से गुजरते हुए ये महसूस होता है कि
शहर की पकी चमचमाती हुई रास्ते बस बेचैनीया पैदा करती है अन्दर सुकुन तो ये पुरानी कच्चे रास्ते देती थीं  जब हम चला करते  

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

they opt for the easier choice.

Sometimes people just want the easier choice.
Sometimes people aren't ready for someone who will
challenge them. They don't want someone who will
mirror back their insecurities, that will push them to
grow outside themselves. They aren't willing to share
such a depth of love, they aren't prepared for the pain
that may come with it.
So, they opt for the easier choice.
They choose complacency, they settle in the safety zone.
But at a great cost.
Many people never leave the safety zone.
Many people never experience what true love really is.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Decide when you should get angry

Bhishma Pitamah is known to have done only one
blunder in life - he didn't get angry at the right
moment, when Draupdi was being disrobed.
Jatayu is known for one virtue in his life - he got angry
at the right time, when Sita was being kidnapped by
Ravan and he tried to save her.
When the time came, both died.
But, Bhishma Pitamah died on a bed of arrows and
Jatayu died in the lap of Lord Rama.
The Vedas state that anger turns into a blessing when
it is done for the cause of ethics and morality, and on
the other hand, tolerance may turn into a sin when it
cannot safeguard ethics and morality.
Decide when you should get angry.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

अच्छा लगता है लौट कर आना

पिता से गले मिलते
आश्वस्त होता नचिकेता कि
उनका संसार अभी जीवित है।
उसे अच्छे लगते वे घर
जिनमें एक आंगन हो
वे दीवारें अच्छी लगतीं
जिन पर गुदे हों
किसी बच्चे की तुतलाते हस्ताक्षर,
यह अनुभूति अच्छी लगती
कि मां केवल एक शब्द नहीं,
एक सम्पूर्ण भाषा है,
अच्छा लगता
बार-बार कहीं दूर से लौटना
अपनों के पास,
उसकी इच्छा होती
कि यात्राओं के लिए
असंख्य जगहें और अनन्त समय हो
और लौटने के लिए
हर समय हर जगह अपना एक घर

Sunday, April 3, 2022


If you ask me to name the most beautiful thing in the world, I'll say
kindness. It saves people without you knowing about it. And more
than anyone else, it saves you. Cause, being left with regrets is always
bitter than humanity.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Memories is much greater than the hurt.

Memories can be the greatest
blessing and at the same time they
can be the source of great pain.
Here I am trying to find happiness
from the memories I am left with.
It does hurt, I won't lie.
But I believe the happiness I derive
from these memories is much
greater than the hurt.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

सफ़र और मैं

मैं जब भी किसी सफ़र से लौट कर घर आता हूँ ...
कुछ सामान भूल आता हूँ अपना सफ़र में ...
कुछ नया सामान सफ़र से अपने साथ ले आता हूँ ...
बिखरने लगती हैं कुछ उलझनें कुछ बेचैनियां मेरी ...
खिलते हुए खेतों, बहती हुई नदियों, हंसते हुए बच्चों को देख कर ...
कुछ चेहरों पर कई दिनों बाद घर जाने का सुकून देख कर ...
कुछ चेहरों पर घर से दूर अपने ख्वाबों को पाने का जुनून देख कर ...
भर उठता है दिल जब कुछ अजनबियों से बेपनाह प्यार पाता हूँ ...
सफ़र का सुकून, सफ़र की शामें, सफ़र की हलचल, सफ़र का प्यार ...
सब कुछ थोड़ा थोड़ा मन की जेबों में भर लाता हूँ ...
मैं जब भी किसी सफ़र से लौट कर घर आता हूँ ...
कुछ सामान भूल आता हूँ अपना सफ़र में ...
कुछ नया सामान सफ़र से अपने साथ ले आता हूँ ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Standing up for yourself

Respecting your boundaries doesn't
make you arrogant.
Standing up for yourself doesn't 
make you selfish.
Questioning the wrong doesn't 
make you mannerless.
Maintaining enough silence doesn't 
makeyou weak. 
You are not what people make

Monday, February 28, 2022

We come from very common palace

We came from very common places lived very common places,
Read and ate very common places.
when rich people used to take out big notes
we had some coins in our pockets we were not all the same.
yet we were involved in the race I was like a horse whose legs were the burden of the whole
family's expectations and the burden was so much
that we could flash, break, scatter as we grew a little more. 
We had sleeps to lose and dreams to sell
nothing but stake.
We read books overnight and fought for dreams there was so much more that we
could do but still surpassing the expectations of others.

Sunday, February 20, 2022


पगडंडियाँ तो स्वभाव से ही सरल होती हैं
सरसता से बहती हुई सी
सरलता से जुड़ती हुई सी
हर राहगीर को अपना बना लेती हैं..
हर दिशा में मुड़ती हुई सी।
वो तो केवल जुड़ना ही जानती हैं
शहर के रास्तों में कहाँ धैर्य इतना
कब जानते हैं वो पीछे मुड़ना
उनको तो बस विकास के नाम पर
आगे दौड़ना आता है
तभी तो हर रास्ता मार्ग की ओर
और मार्ग राजमार्गों की ओर जाता है
आज पगडंडियाँ भी अपना अस्तित्व खो रही हैं
गाँव की मिट्टी लुक और डामर के नीचे दब रही है।
एक दिन सब जगह बस सड़कों का ही जाल बिछ जायेगा
फिर कोई भूला भटका राहगीर पगडंडी नही ढूंढ पायेगा
गावं शहरों में ही तब्दील हो जायेंगे
और फिर कोई अपने गांव नही लौट पायेगा।

Monday, January 24, 2022

Moments we keep going back to,

 There're moments in our lives,

That seem to define us,

Moments we keep going back to,

Like the first day we met,

Remember when looking into your eyes,

Was like making love.

Remember our first touch!

Our first kiss!

Yeah! it was terrible,

But the best kind of memorable.

Remember when you told me you loved me!

I never thought I'd find myself,

Completely and utterly consumed by another.

He took my hand,

And led me out of the darkness.

And showed me that whatever our souls are made of,

His and mine are the same.

I need you to tell me that,

You still remember what it felt like.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

I'm stepping away.

I'm stepping away.
There's no place that is safe,
Our shadows, burned,
By the sun coming over the horizon.
And I used to pray for light,
But this is not of His creation.
All that was Divine,
Left us behind without hesitation.
I used to pray for light,
When it was the dark that protected me.
Below the nadir,
At the heart of midnight's lakeside

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

It's okay

 It's okay

Two words. Very polarizing. Sometimes just what we need to hear. Sometimes just whats shouldn't be said at all. 

Sometimes we get to comfortable with these words and that becomes a problem. Sometimes we don't value & accept those words for our self and that is a problem as well. 

It can act as that comforting hug when youn need to slow down & pause. As well as a habit of toxic tolerance, in-disguise.

 It's okay to get caught up in this sorcery of words. 'Coz that's how we truly come to know, the difference...

And that's how we master this art of words & when to say it, when to not; when to listen to it,

when to not. So, it's okay... It's ok means not okay at all times😔 sometimes We reply this words  with anger sometimes with happy

Vinod Kumar